Students from Class 1 onwards are divided into four houses- Ganga, Kaveri, Krishna and Yamuna to present their abilities in Inter House Art, Literary, Cultural and Sports activities. Inter House Competitions are organized as per the School calendar. House wise assembly is conducted to expose the students towards public speaking. School Magazine ’Echo’ povides platform to the budding writers for their original writing talent.

To inculcate the Leadership traits in children, Captain, Vice-Captain and Prefects are selected class/section wise from every house. They perform their duties with Student Council, which comprises of Head Girl, Head Boy, Sports Captain, English Literary Captain, Hindi Literary Captain, Creative Captain, Cultural Captain, Science Captain, Technical Captain, and Assembly Captains. The House System is supervised by House In-charges/ Teachers.
Since 2020, students of our school are given the option of enrolling in NCC. The aim is to create a pool of organized, trained and motivated youth with leadership qualities in all walks of life, who will serve the Nation regardless of which career they choose.